Tag Archives: job searching tips

Online Job Search Tips

Searching for jobs online needs a well-planned strategy. Thanks to the availability of so many job boards, jobseekers now have plenty of jobs at their fingertips. If you know how to use the internet to expedite your job search process, it can prove to be a powerful tool. There some important guidelines and tips that you can follow for searching jobs online. Given below are some of the most important ones.

Build Your Online Portfolio
While it’s good to apply online for jobs of your interest, it is also a good tip to build a website that presents all of your job related information to employers. The website serves as your online portfolio where employers and hiring managers can view your career interests, skill sets and your contact information easily.

Check Our Regional Job Boards
Another useful tip for jobseekers is to narrow down their job search options. You should start your online search by specific regions and industries. In addition, there are multiple regional job boards available as well. Prepare a list of all the regional employment websites and job boards that fit in with your job requirements. Regional websites are a good source of finding jobs in your specific area or region, which may not be available on international job websites.

Get in Touch with Online Recruiters
There are online recruiters available to match you with the right kind of jobs. You can easily find the potential online recruiters and get in touch with them for searching jobs. These recruiters will be able to provide useful links to online headhunters for candidates seeking jobs.

Benefit from Video Resumes
Today, many jobseekers prepare video resume to set themselves apart from other jobseekers. Though video resumes are not replacements of traditional resume, they can help you attract the employers’ attention and gain an extra edge over your competition.

Job Alerts can be Useful
Many job boards and employment websites also offer the facility of utilizing job alerts. After creating your profile on such job boards, you can set job alerts according to your specific requirements. Using job alerts will keep you updated on the newly posted job positions in the industries of your interest.

Expand Your Network
Social networking plays a vital role in getting some valuable job or career related information. In fact, it is networking through which most of the job positions are filled. There are popular social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin that provide you an excellent opportunity to connect with industry professionals, employers, friends, colleagues and co-workers. Therefore, you should continue to build and expand your network of contacts.

Following the above mentioned tips can make your online job search a lot easier. If you want to land jobs quickly, you should prepare yourself to make an effective use of the internet and online job searching resources available out there.

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10 Job Search Attitudes That Will Bring You More Interviews

No matter whether you are starting a fresh career or switching into a new career, given below are ten job search attitudes to get you more and more interviews. And remember these are not just feel-good quotes. So, read each of the job search attitudes carefully, adopt them and keep them repeating over and again.

Attitude # 1: Business firms and corporations hire without joy and fire without remorse.
Attitude # 2 : I will work for good pay, good benefits and good people.
Attitude # 3 : I will always work towards career advancement.
Attitude # 4 : My job search is a positive activity and it will always be the central part of my life.
Attitude # 5 : I will never stop looking for my next job again. (because your employer is always   looking for their next you.
Attitude # 6 : It is not disloyal to look for work when I already have a job.
Attitude # 7 : I have the ability to create an opportunity even when there isn’t an opening.
Attitude # 8 : I will be more successful if more people know about my job search.
Attitude # 9 : Helping others find work is a great way for me to my next work opportunity.
Attitude # 10 : I will search for jobs as if I don’t need one.

So, are you ready to adopt or develop these 10 job search attitudes?

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Filed under careers, job hunting, job search, jobs

Top Insider Secrets to Getting Hired

Job search is a long process. But you can definitely shorten this period by reviewing your job search and following some useful tips. There can be a number of reasons behind your not getting hired. How can you examine your job search? Yes, there are a number of essential points that you need to consider. There are quite a few questions that you need to ask yourself. Does your resume make for a good advertising copy? Do you have a problem with your body language? Do you tend to have habits that irritate interviewers and turn them off?

Consider some essential points and follow the tips :

Fine-tune your cover letter
Watch your body language at a job interview
Fill in that resume blank with volunteering work
Watch out for small details on the resume
Include accomplishments to set the resume apart from others
Ensure you match the job description
Put the interviewer at ease (the reverse of it may not always be the best plan)
Plan before you pursue
Apply for positions that employers are finding hard to fill (in case you are switching careers or breaking into a new industry)

Try to consider each of the above mentioned points one by one. You really need to give it a serious thought if it’s been quite a long time since you started searching for jobs. And do remember to fill out those long blanks on your resume with some volunteering works that you did. Volunteering work on the resume really looks good and impresses employers. It shows that you are active and energetic. And that you took out time to help others even when you were having a hard time yourself.

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